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Culture Game Show Questions May 10, 2009

Posted by msande277 in Uncategorized.

Please post your questions for the Culture Game Show as “Comments” to this post. I hope you are all excited for an AMAZING class on Tuesday!!!



1. mcomeara - May 11, 2009

should the questions be posed in yes/no answer format? or can they be open-ended?

2. tseelig - May 11, 2009

They can – and should be – be open-ended.

3. shalin277 - May 11, 2009

I’ve always been curious about the composition of ‘players’ in a game show. How do the players, and their respective identities, backgrounds, and personalities, affect the success of a game show? To what extent do they need to represent the larger audience of show viewers? How does one go about ‘picking’ players to ensure the show’s objectives are met?

4. Anonymous - May 12, 2009

I think part of the success of a gameshow depends on the host – How well the host presents a game show. So what 1 or 2 unique qualities would the director of the gameshow look for when appointing a host…?

Would it depend on the type of the game show – for example, Deal or No deal vs. the scrabble that come on TV (I donot remember its name)?

5. Ruchi - May 12, 2009

I think part of the success of a gameshow depends on the host – How well the host presents a game show. So what 1 or 2 unique qualities would the director of the gameshow look for when appointing a host…?

Would it depend on the type of the game show – for example, Deal or No deal vs. the scrabble that come on TV (I donot remember its name)?

6. ruchia82 - May 12, 2009

Are we also suppose to prepare questions for Google, Facebook, Twitter…?


7. shalin277 - May 12, 2009

Woops, based on Chris’ most recent announcement, I was mistaken about the nature of tomorrow’s class. Looks like team members from various companies will be joining us tomorrow, and we’ll be quizzing them.

Here’s my revised list of questions:

1. What’s the company’s most sacred tradition that, regardless of how big the company becomes, will never change?

2. To what extent has your company’s culture been defined by the founders? What would happen to your company’s culture if the founders were to suddenly leave?

3. What is the common thread among every team member in your company?

8. raymondbraun - May 12, 2009

What (pick one: word / image / color / animal / food / object / ice cream flavor / TV show / movie / song) best encapsulates your company’s culture?

To what extent does your company’s physical work environment influence creativity, idea flow, innovation? For example, if you were forced to move your entire company into a concrete box, do you think your creativity would be stifled (or improved)?

What is it about your company that gets you excited to come to work to every day?

9. schang09 - May 12, 2009

Questions for Game Show:

How does your hiring process reflect your company culture? How much does personality matter versus merit?

What are you looking for in an employee?

What is the best part about your company culture?

How do you differentiate yourself from other companies?

How do you promote team building in your company?

10. kevclee - May 12, 2009

How would you describe the culture of the company outside of the workplace? For example, do you socialize with your teammates outside of the office? What are the types of bonding activities do you have? If so, how do you feel this contributes to the success of the company and does it stimulate creativity and innovation? If not, do you think it hurts it?

11. sbergstedt - May 12, 2009

Is there a conscious effort to create and instill culture in your company, or does it evolve organically?

12. Anonymous - May 12, 2009

How do you define organizational culture?

Can you think of and describe a particularly bad example of organizational structure? What made it so bad?

If you had to equate your organizational culture to an animal or ‘family’ of animals, what would you choose?

13. nboswell - May 12, 2009

How do you define organizational culture?

Can you think of and describe a particularly bad example of organizational structure? What made it so bad?

If you had to equate your organizational culture to an animal or ‘family’ of animals, what would you choose?

14. ruchia82 - May 12, 2009

If you had to name one company, other than your own, that inspires you (may be its creativity, may be its perceived culture), what would be that and why?

15. aimepst - May 12, 2009

In the hiring process, is it difficult finding candidates with the appropriate balance of experience and attitude? It would seem that an older generation might have the business background and networking contacts helpful for young companies, but they might also prefer traditional office layouts and working styles. At what point does culture (or experience?) win out?

16. rajacr - May 12, 2009

1 Whom do you place first employees or customers ?
2. Are associates prompted to think laterally and aided to do so with props and paraphernalia ?
3. What does an average employee look like at the end of the day – relaxed , tired , happy …
4. No idea is stupid in a brainstorming session , but is this a practical reality ? Do people come up with some below par ideas and will they be judged by others ?
5. How to fix friction within any team ?

17. baileyrichardson - May 12, 2009

* What would you like to change about your company?

* How do ideas enter the company pipeline? Can anyone contribute?

* What brought you to this company?

* Do you see yourself working here for a long period of time?

18. 2hamburgers - May 12, 2009

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Who thinks that you are cool b/c of what you do from 9-5?

How many pictures have others tagged of you on Facebook? What are you doing in these pictures?

How long is your lunch break? Where do you go? Who do you go with?

How has working here built your “people” skills?

Were you on the “A” honor roll?

19. idaraotu - May 12, 2009

Why is there free food in your offices? What do you think this does for the culture of the firm?

20. mcomeara - May 12, 2009

1. How does management interact with employees on a daily/monthly basis?
2. What do you look forward to most during your work week?
3. What’s your ideal role within a project?
4. What type of people do you most enjoy working with?
5. What’s the worst part of your job?
6. How does your company encourage innovative ideas?

21. garrettheath - May 12, 2009

How have you dealt with trying to maintain your company’s culture as you have expanded globally? or do different branches of your company exhibit different cultures?

How does offering employees part of their time to explore their own ideas change a company’s culture?

What is the most important part of your company’s existing culture?

22. idaraotu - May 12, 2009

For the Facebook/twitter folks, how often do you “facebook” or “tweet” at work?

23. idaraotu - May 12, 2009

Do you listen to music while you (employees) work?

24. idaraotu - May 12, 2009

are there any themed dress up days, costume parties, extravagant celebrations that go beyond the conventional food and alcohol?

25. Ross - May 12, 2009

What impact does your firm’s location have on company culture?

26. Anonymous - May 12, 2009

1. Has there ever been a time in your company’s history where you felt it necessary to make a dramatic change to your culture? Please describe why and how the change occurred.

2. What is the chain of command structure of your company and how does this help or hinder company cohesion?

3. How does your company reinvent the “kudos” to its personnel?

4. What perks are most valued by your coworkers?

5. What is one thing that you are working to change?

27. Diana Peng - May 12, 2009

1. Has there ever been a time in your company’s history where you felt it necessary to make a dramatic change to your culture? Please describe why and how the change occurred.

2. What is the chain of command structure of your company and how does this help or hinder company cohesion?

3. How does your company reinvent the “kudos” to its personnel?

4. What perks are most valued by your coworkers?

5. What is one thing that you are working to change?

28. wpowers42 - May 12, 2009

How much are employees allow or encouraged to express individualism?

wpowers42 - May 12, 2009

How much are employees allowed* or encouraged to express individualism?

29. yesulm - May 12, 2009

1. When you hire people, how do you gauge their creativity level. Are there any exercises or questions that bring out the true creative nature of someone?
2. Does your company have any secret traditions that you do? (EG-IDEO people love to pull pranks on each other)
3. If you were to put people in your company according to 6 creativity hats (Bono’s six thinking hats). What would they be? White, red, black, yellow, green or blue.
4. Culture is very much a diffusion process. Do you think culture is implemented from top to bottom (higher management to employees) or bottom to top (from employees to higher management), if both, which one is more predominant?

30. Enrique Allen - May 12, 2009

-Which blogs do you follow? Why those, and what does it mean for you to follow a blog?

-Of the last 10 new items you bought, approximately how many did you discover through a friend?

-Do you pay for any online content? If so, for what kind of content ?

-What are examples of data you would share more readily with your online friends than with your real life friends?

-Do you receive marketing messages from businesses via your mobile phone? How do you generally respond to these messages? What are your hopes and fears for marketing via mobile phones?

-Do you receive marketing messages from businesses via your mobile phone? How do you generally respond to these messages? What are your hopes and fears for marketing via mobile phones?

-If you had no engineering constraints, what would you create right now?

-How would you improve email?

-Where are other data sources that can be used (that aren’t currently being used)?

-What data of others do you most want access to? How would you pay for it and what questions would it answer?

-How would your behavior change online different if everything was recorded, searchable, and indexed by anyone?

-How is your deep data structure different than your competitors?

-Describe your ideal relevance function for applications?

-Is context or content king?

-How do you create incentives for your customers?

-Would the world be a better place if every child had a cell phone?

-How are you measuring your impact on the world?

-Do you believe that world peace (self-defined) is possible?

31. adakbryant - May 12, 2009

1. What are the attributes that are valued most when looking to hire new employees?

2. If your company were applying to be one of Fortune 100’s “Best Companies to Work For” what is the one thing that you would point out about company culture that you think would be completely unique from any other company applying?

3. If you could choose one reality television show today that most accurately describes your company culture, what would it be and why?

4. If you could rename your company based upon the types of personalities that you work with on a daily basis, what would the new name be and why?

adakbryant - May 12, 2009

adakbryant=Adrienne Hopkins

32. monakimona - May 12, 2009

how do you identify and decide on a target market?

if successful, when and how do you decide to expand your target market? what are the risks of doing so?

33. o24321 - May 12, 2009

How has your company culture been affected by the economy? Has creativity been stifled?

What percentage of your burn rate/revenue are you willing to spend on company culture/internal employee happiness? How is this number determined?

How many days a week do you wear a tie (if male) or the female equivalent?

Do you find that authority figures are positive influences on creativity (I expect the answer to be no…)? Follow up question: Do you consider yourself to be an authority figure in the company?

What did you want to be when you were little?

How many hours a day does the average employee work?

What is the “orientation” process like for new hires?

When was the last time a person brought their child to work? How was this child received?

If you feel that someone is taking advantage of the lax company culture, how would you address the issue?

How are decisions made, and how are these decisions communicated to all the employees?

Do you emphasize working in teams?

How does having played a sport look on a resume?

How do you communicate the company culture to the employees? Do they discover it experientially? Is there a direct mission statement?

34. johnshinozaki - May 12, 2009


How do you discuss and decide one’s personal asset value to the company? Basically, how do you divide up the shares?

Are there any LAWYERS I need to avoid? hahaha How about VCs?

What MISSING BUSINESS ELEMENT do you think you have right now? Are you looking for a design thinker?

Who are you PARTNERING up with and why?


If the start-up has guys and girls, do you allow DATING to happen? I once started a club in my undergrad studies and told my members casually, person to person, I do not encourage dating in the club – I simply didn’t want drama unfolding in the club and disrupting the flow….but it happened anyways. What do I do?

What was your WORSE and most EMBARRASSING FAILURE so far?

Are you SCARED of anything? Do you have PANIC ATTACKS?


What was your GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT so far?



What are great RESTAURANTS to have business meetings?

What is your favorite bottle of WINE, CHEESE, WHISKEY, etc?

Favorite GETAWAY?

35. johnshinozaki - May 12, 2009

Here is another one…

Who are your ENEMIES, and who are your ALLIES?

36. mrmmann - May 12, 2009

What things have had substantial influence on your corporate culture that have surprised you, or you think would often be overlooked as having influence?

Employee perks/benefits are often considered to be an essential part of the culture of a company. How have economic times altered the benefits provided at your company, and how have these changes been implemented and received? If well received what helped soften the blow, and if poorly received how do you think the changes could have been implemented better?

37. vivianywang - May 12, 2009

The key to reaching a large audience is____.
When people make mistakes, ______ happens.
_______ is as important as passion in my company.
Your unique value proposition is_____.
One rule that I believe is unique to my company is_____.

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